Apcalis Jelly
Apcalis Jelly
  • Active Ingredient:

  • Expiry Date:

  • Manufacturer:

    Ajanta Pharma Limited
  • Average Delivery Time:

    25 days
  • Availability:

    In Stock
  • Strength: 20 mg

  • Rate Per Sachet

    $ 3.84

Apcalis Jelly - An effective cure of Male Erectile Dysfunction


The most effective and efficient way to treat impotency in men. Apcalis oral jelly is a generic version of its prototype which contains the same ingredient called tadalafil and is in the same composition. Tadalafil is well known for its long lasting effects and is well known in treating erectile dysfunction problem in men.

The medication is available in a 20mg power pack. Apcalis Oral Jelly is easily available online and can be ordered from any online pharmacy. This medication is effective in about 20 to 30 minutes and the effect lasts for almost 24 to 36 hours. It is considered as the easy and pocket friendly way to treat impotency in men.

Apcalis Jelly

Package New Customer Price Old Customer Price Add to Cart
  • 10 Sachets


$11.90 per Sachet


$10.70 per Sachet
  • 30 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$9.30 per Sachet


$8.37 per Sachet
  • 60 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$7.92 per Sachet


$7.13 per Sachet
  • 90 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$6.50 per Sachet


$5.86 per Sachet
  • 120 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$5.21 per Sachet


$4.69 per Sachet
  • 350 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$4.67 per Sachet


$4.21 per Sachet
  • 500 Sachets
  • Free Shipping


$4.27 per Sachet


$3.84 per Sachet



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Action Mechanism

Time it takes to start working: Effect can be experienced within 20 to 30 minutes after consuming the pill.

Apcalis Oral Jelly has its effects on two significant enzymes known as cGMP and PDE5 which are important for appropriate erection. Nitric Oxide, which is released due to sexual stimulation, catalyses cGMP in corpora cavernosa as well as in blood vessels in the male reproductive organ. The cGMP then allows the blood to flow into corpora cavernosa which in turn stimulates erectile tissues causing the organ to achieve erection. After sufficient male organ stimulation is obtained, the veins get compressed which decreases the blood flow resulting in maintenance or persistence of erection. The effect then ceases after copulation when the PDE5 enzyme degrades cGMP.

Effect lasting: The effect of Apcalis Oral Jelly lasts for approximately 36 hours.


  • Take the Apcalis Oral Jelly dose of 20 mg once in a day.
  • It should be taken about 30 minutes before the copulation.
  • Take it with the water. Its active constituent, Tadalafil, is believed to dissolves quickly with the blood if taken with water and shows the effect within 20 minutes.
  • Consult your doctor before taking Apcalis Jelly if you have vision problems, blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney disorders, liver malfunction etc.
    • NOTE: It is always better to discuss any existing health issues with your doctor before you use Apcalis Oral jelly.
  • Do not take access alcohol after of before the pill. One should not overdose for augmented effect as it may not help but may lead to adverse effects.


  • Consult your doctor before taking the pill if you smoke, drink excess alcohol or take any kind of toxic substance.
  • Do not use Apcalis Oral Jelly if you take other medicine such which as constituents such as nitrates like amyl nitrite, ISDN or isosorbide dinitrate, glyceryl trinitrate, isosorbide mononitrate.
  • Apcalis Jelly may also show reaction with medicines used for curing blood pressure, fungal infection, microlide antibiotics.
  • Do not take Apcalis Oral Jelly when you already had grape juice and avoid the juice even after taking the medication as well.
  • If you are undergoing treatment for HIV AIDS then it is essential to speak to your doctor regarding the issue.

Side Effects

Common Effects of Apcalis Oral Jelly:

  • Back ache
  • Giddiness
  • Headache
  • Stomach upset or inappropriate digestion
  • Muscle pain
  • Clogged or runny nose

NOTE: These side effects of Apcalis Oral Jelly 20 mg are generally noted to be temporary, but if you notice these side effects for longer duration, please visit your family physician for the guidance. This stiffness obtained due to Apcalis Jelly may sometime persist for more 4 hours. However, if it gets painful then please consult the doctor immediately. There are serious side effects such as allergic reaction, chest ache, inappropriate audibility, abnormal heartbeat, swelling of body part etc. If any of these effects is noticed it is recommended to consult your doctor immediately.


  • While you buy Apcalis Oral Jelly make sure you check its expiration date.
  • Women and children are prohibited from using the Apcalis Oral Jelly pill.
  • Patients suffering with the high blood pressure are advised to take only half pill of Apcalis Jelly 20 mg or it is even better talk to the doctor.
  • Lowering the intake of the alcohol is recommended as it may increase the chances of side effects.
  • Regular intake of Apcalis Oral Jelly is not advised as it may make you addicted to the medication and chances of enlargement of male reproductive organ naturally, can be lowered.
  • Consistent intake of this medicine may also affect your kidney adversely.
  • Never take the grape juice or eat grape fruits after intake of Apcalis Oral Jelly because it may result into hazardous side effects.
  • Men suffering with the kidney and liver disorders are advised not to take Apcalis Jelly.


How does Apcalis Jelly work in the body?

Apcalis Jelly contains tadalafil, a PDE-5 inhibitor. The drug’s primary purpose is to dilate the blood vessels located in the penile organ. In doing so, the drug is able to relax the penile muscles and allow the blood to flow more easily and quickly. And when this is paired with sexual stimulation, the drug allows men to successfully get and sustain an erection. Apcalis Jelly will help you experience an erection multiple times because it stays in your system for 36 hours.

What are the benefits of Apcalis Jelly?

One of the main benefits of this jelly medication is the convenience of use. Plus, it has fast-acting effects. It is available in a liquid/gel form that is easy to consume, making it ideal for older men with ED who have trouble swallowing hard pills. Furthermore, the jelly gets digested much faster than a hard pill so you can expect the drug to work in as little as 15 minutes. What’s more? Apcalis Jelly offers the same effective results as Cialis, except the former is much cheaper.

How to use Apcalis Jelly?

You may take the dose with or without food. All you need to do is cut the sachet, squeeze the medicinal content and consume it directly. The jelly will readily dissolve in your mouth, leaving a pleasing taste. You can even add the jelly to a beverage or semi-solid food and consume it. The ideal dosage involves swallowing one Apcalis Jelly sachet, which contains 20 mg tadalafil. You should not consume alcohol or grapefruits with this medicine.

Will Apcalis Jelly increase my sex drive?

No. Apcalis Jelly simply restores erectile function in men who are clinically diagnosed with erectile dysfunction. It does not have a role to play in increasing your sexual drive or desire. It does not treat low libido as it has no aphrodisiac properties. The medicine is also not for men with premature ejaculation (PE). It is only meant for men who suffer from ED. There are other medicines for low libido and PE.

What’s the difference between Apcalis and Apcalis Jelly?

Simply put, Apcalis is available in standard pills and Apcalis Jelly comes in a liquid/gel solution packed in sachets. The active ingredient, indications, storage, usage, safety, and efficacy are the same. However, the only difference is the form of the medicine. Conventional hard pills take time to assimilate and work, while an oral jelly medicine quickly gets absorbed. Typically, a tadalafil tablet takes an hour to work, while tadalafil oral jelly kicks in within 15 minutes.

Can I buy Apcalis Jelly online?

Yes, you can buy Apcalis Jelly online if you have a tadalafil prescription written by your doctor. If you are using Cialis and thinking of switching to a much better generic version, Apcalis Jelly is the right choice of the drug. Cialis 20 mg costs you $30 to $40, but Apcalis Jelly may cost you anywhere between $3 and $10.

Customer's Review

Average Rating : 4 / 5

  • Due to the inability to gulp down the pill due to chronic throat issues, I decided to take injections after consulting my doctor. Injections were working well but injecting it around my organ seemed dicey. Later, one of my mates asked me to purchase this Oral Apcalis Jelly from this site. It was smooth after this Fam! Love it. Now me and my partner always have an amazing time in bed. Cheers to you guys!

  • "As I never tried any aphrodisiac tablets before, I am not certain how it works, but I rely on Apcalis oral jelly which I considered as my deal. It works fine for me and I thank the sources from which I came to know about it and obtained it without hassle. Whole hearted thanks!!"

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