Effective Techniques to Improve Metabolism Rate

In today’s time and age, it is the constant endeavor of every man and woman to loose weight with minimum efforts. In this quest, most people try to exercise, go on painful diets and resort to various medicines to slim down. One of the most effective ways to loose weight is by increasing your basal metabolic rate. By increasing this, people can slim down without cutting down their calories.  Basal metabolic rate
The basal metabolic rate is determined by the number of calories that are burnt in a day. In every live human being, there is continuous calorie consumption, even while sleeping. This energy meets the regular demands of the body which involves eating, sleeping, cleaning and the additional energy is stored in the body in the form of fat. Therefore when the calorie consumption is more than the calorie demand by the body, the person tends to gain weight. Therefore if people have slow metabolic rate, they tend to gain weight. To maintain weight, the calorie consumed and the fat burnt should be in sync.   The world health organization has set the following formulas to calculate the basal metabolic rate  

Female = [655+ (9.6 x Weight in kilogram) + (1.7 x Height in centimeter) – (4.7 x Age)] Male = [ 66+(13.7 x Weight in kilogram) + (5 x Height in centimeter) – (6.8 x Age) ]

How to boost your metabolism
Changing certain habits can boost your metabolism. Some of them are listed below  

  1. No skipping meals- Do not skip your meals. This puts the body in an energy saving mode and you put on more weight over time. Instead, eat 5-6 small meals in a day. Avoid having junk food as a part of these small meals. Opt for fresh fruits, vegetables salads and juices.
  2. Exercise daily- You don’t have to exercise for hours in a day. Just working out for a 30 minutes in a day can help boost your metabolism tremendously. But it’s important to be consistent with the exercise regime.
  3. Build muscles- Building muscles can help boost weight. It’s a known fact that fat burns lesser fat while muscles can burn 25 times the calories in a day. So more the muscles, faster will be the metabolism. Similarly, when the muscle mass decreases, the metabolism also slows down.
  4. No bad habits- It’s important to avoid alcohol as they are high in calories and slow down the metabolism. People should also stay away from cigarettes and drugs as they too have an adverse effect on the metabolism.
  5. Avoid fasting and dieting- They should avoid fasting and dieting as these have the same side effects as skipping meals.
  6. Drink water- Drinking at least 5 liters of water in a day helps to increase the basal metabolic rate as water helps to burn calories.
  7. Natural metabolism boosters- Chili, green tea and fibers act as natural metabolism boosters and aid the body in burning fat faster.
  8. Aerobics- Doing aerobics daily is believed to help the body in temporarily boosting the basal metabolic rate.

Anatomy and Physiology of Hair

Your hair is one of the most important parts of your body. Hair is an outgrowth of filamentous cells, containing keratin, that grows from follicles found in the dermis.The human body, apart from the palms of the hands and soles of the feet, is covered in follicles which produce thick terminal and fine vellus hair ‘ short, fine, lightly colored and barely noticed hair that develop everywhere on the human body.   Hair often refers to two distinct structures: the part beneath the skin is called a hair follicle or when pulled from the head is called a bulb.   How is a typical hair shaft structured? It is essentially nothing but dead shaft seen above the scalp. A typical hair shaft is made up of three essential layers i.e. cuticle, medulla and cortex.   The cuticle is the outermost layer. This protects the medulla and cortex. To put it simply cuticle is a transparent structure and only this layer will give a shiny appearance.   If this outer layer is not healthy then you will still get dull appearance. Medulla is the innermost layer constituted by large size cells. Cortex also constitutes the middle layer. This possesses a protein called keratin and coloring pigments. The cortex determines the shape and size of the hair shaft.  
Keratin- The Main Constituent
Keratin refers to a family of fibrous structural proteins. It is an intermediate filament; when assembled in bundles, it is tough and insoluble forming hard, unmineralized structures found in a variety of species including reptiles, birds, amphibians, and mammals.   Nails are also constituted mainly by keratin. Other constituents of hair include the pigment called melanin (responsible for hair color), certain fat, small quantity of vitamins and traces of minerals like zinc etc.   Hair also includes 10 to 15 per cent of water which helps maintain moisture and balance? biochemical and physiological properties.  
Hair Follicle
The other part of your hair is the hair follicle. Sunk beneath your scalp, it is encircled by two protective sheaths the inner sheath and the outer sheath.   The hair shaft is protected well by these two sheaths. Connected to the hair shaft is a sebaceous gland, a tiny sebum-producing gland found everywhere except on the palms, lips and soles of the feet. Thicker the density of the hair, the more the number of sebaceous glands which can be found.   Sebum(Latin: fat or tallow) is made of fat (lipids), wax, and the debris of dead fat-producing cells. The older you are the less sebum you produce. Women produce lesser sebum as they grow older. Men also produce less sebum but it is more compared to women.   Hair shaft has its root in the follicle. In fact the hair shaft comes out from the follicle. There is a projection called hair papillae at the bottom. Hair papillae have tiny blood capillaries to nourish my hair root. Thickness of the shaft totally depends up on follicle size. Follicle is therefore responsible for the health of the hair shaft.   Follicle can support its nourishment till the shaft is pushed out of the follicle base.  
Hair Follicle Cycle
Hair growth on your scalp is around six inches per year. Hair growth will be around 0.03 to 0.04 mm only. Hair growth is random. Growth is neither cyclical or seasonal. This involves three stages: (1). Anagen, (2). Catagen, and (3). Telogen.  
This is the active hair growth phase. Growth of new hairs is done and hair follicles push out club hairs out of your follicles.   Hair grown during this growth phase will remain for about two to six years. Some of you might have felt problem of hair growing beyond certain length. This may be due to short phase of growth (Anagen).   Long hair is due to long phase of growth. Also there is short active hair growth phase on? arm pits, limbs, eyelashes, and eyebrows about 30-45 days. Active phase of growth is not warranted at these regions.  
This is the transitional phase. Atagen is the phase that follows active hair growth phase called Anagen.   Once anagen phase gets completed your hair undergoes a transitional stage. About three per cent of your hair undergoes a transitional process at any given period of time.   This phase will lasts for about a period of three to four weeks. During catagen hair growth gets stopped. The outer sheath of your hair root undergoes a shrinking process. Then your hair gets attached firmly.  
This is the resting phase. Telogen is the phase that follows a transitional phase called Catagen. There is a resting period for your hair.   About 10-15 per cent of all your hairs undergo a resting process at any given period of time. Telogen is the resting phase and accounts for 10-15% of all hair.   This phase will last for about a period of 100 days (on your scalp) and it will be more than 100 days for hair on your limbs, armpits, eyelashes, eyebrows etc.

How to Prevent Hair Loss?

es, hair loss can be prevented. It is easy to prevent rather than to treat. With simple measures you can stay away from the baldness. Once you suffer with the baldness it becomes really an embarrassing condition. It is only a physical condition, but it adversely affects the personal, social, and professional life of individual.   The bald people suffer with the lack of self-esteem and confidence due to their hairlessness. Of course there are varieties of the treatments available to cure baldness, but it takes a time to resolve the issue permanently. So, it is always better to prevent the hair loss rather than curing it. Here are some simple tips that would help you to prevent the hairs loss.  

  1. Handle the hair with a proper care. Be soft whenever combing or shaping them. For combing use the hair brush that is soft and has enough space between blades, so that it doesn’t pull the hairs. This will not loosen the grip of hairs over the scalp and the hair loss can be prevented.
  2. Proper nutrition is must to prevent hair loss. So, always feed on the healthy diet. Eat the protein-rich diet as it helps in growth and maintenance of hairs. Eat the diet that includes much amount of raisins as it gives better flexibility to the hairs and prevent them from breaking.
  3. Water is the transport medium for the nutrients to the hairs. So, drink adequate amount of the water regularly. This would help the nutrients to reach the hairs pretty easily. Along with it water also regulates the temperature of the head to be at normal level, which is necessary for the hair growth.
  4. Don’t tie your hair tightly. It is mandatory to prevent hair loss that you avoid tight hair styles like braids, ponytails, or buns. This will reduce the unnecessary pressure on the hairs and allow them to grow freely.
  5. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables as they provide the necessary amount of the minerals and proteins that are required for the healthy hair growth. Fruits like oranges, bananas, apples, apricots, and pineapple must be eaten in enough amounts as they provide the required amount of zinc, iron, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and calcium required for the healthy hair growth.
  6. Apply the oil on hairs, but only twice in a week. Oil is the necessary nutrient to the hairs that provide the required luster and strengthen the fibers in the hairs. But, applying it daily must be avoided as it blocks the hair pores and make it difficult for the hairs to grow further. The best hair oil is the coconut oil.
  7. Wash the hairs at least twice in a week. Washing helps to clean the hairs. It removes all the dust and dirt accumulated on the hairs. Wash them thoroughly this will reduce the effect of air and water pollution on the hairs. But, don’t wash them regularly because it may loosen the grip of hairs over the scalp.
  8. Use the herbal or naturally prepared hair shampoo for the washing hairs. Never use any synthetic or chemical-based shampoo to wash the hairs. This will make the hairs dry and would promote the hair loss.
  9. Protect your hairs from the harmful sunrays. Wear a cap or a scarp while you go out in the afternoon sun. The high temperature is bad for hairs as it removes the moisture from them, makes them dry. This results in graying and thinning of hairs that breakdown easily, which gradually leads to hair loss. To prevent this dryness use the conditioner that will help to maintain the moisture in the hairs.
  10. Limit the use of the hair dryer or if you want to use it. Please slow the blow of air dryer and keep the temperature at very moderate level. Also, never hold the blow of air continuously at one place otherwise it may harm the scalp and loosen the grip of hairs. It is best to dry the hair by soft towel with a slow rubbing of hairs and then leave them to dry naturally.

Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety is excessive fear of embarrassment and humiliation in social situations and interactions with strangers that can have debilitating effects on the personal and professional relationships and bring on feelings of self consciousness, evaluation, judgment and inferiority and in some cases may cause panic attacks. This disorder is also termed as social phobia and these people remain conspicuous by their absence in social events and gatherings  Causes
In some cases the cause for this disorder is unknown, the causes for this disorder is unknown. In some cases researchers have figured out the below given causes:  

  1. Genetic: Studies have shown just like diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, social anxiety can also be inherited. Dr. Jerome Kagan of Harvard University has claimed that social anxiety may have a genetic root. He observed that children who had shy parents were more likely to be shy and an introvert, all their life.
  2. Physiological: Dr. Kagan also proved that children who had a high resting heart rate were more likely to suffer from social anxiety. When the child was stressed, their resting heart rates rose even higher.
  3. Chemical imbalance: Improper balance of chemicals in the brain can bring about this disorder. An imbalance in certain neurotransmitters such as Serotonin, Norepinephrine and Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) affect the way a person reacts in different situations.
  4. Emotional upheaval: Some situations which were traumatic and stressful, such as death of a loved one, divorce, changing jobs or schools, or accident can also lead to this disorder. All the symptoms of this disorder aggravate during stress, intake of alcohol, addictives, caffeine and nicotine.

The symptoms of social anxiety disorders are classified into physical and psychological:   Physical : The physical symptoms are-  

  1. Fast and loud pounding of the heart
  2. Stuttering and stammering while talking
  3. Breathing fast
  4. Sudden break of sweat especially on the face and palms
  5. Nausea, vomiting and indigestion
  6. Dry mouth
  7. Visible trembling and shaking of the body
  8. Tension in the muscles
  9. Blushing
  10. Feeling dizzy, as if things will black out
  11. Twitching of the jaws

Psychological : The psychological symptoms are-  

  1. Worrying and brooding for days at a stretch about an upcoming event.
  2. Anxious and worried while meeting people, worried about being scrutinized and judged.
  3. Extremely self-conscious in everyday social situations
  4. Fear of embarrassment and humiliation.
  5. Avoiding social situations to the extent of developing a phobia of going out or meeting new people.

Certain medications such as tranquilizers and medical counseling can help beat this disorder. Overcoming this disorder can help people move out of the shell, give better interviews and enjoy a better social standing. The following tips help to overcome it in a big way.  

  • Be positive: It’s important that you fight off your negative thoughts and develop a better understanding about your life. Just being optimistic can be helpful in a big manner
  • Accept yourself: Instead of looking at your flaws and worrying about other judging you, accept your flaws. This will boost your confidence.
  • Stop being judgmental: All the worries of the world do not rest on your shoulders so there is no need to judge yourself harshly. Stop judging yourself on the basis of your looks and achievements. If you let yourself be, so will the others.
  • Breath: In sever cases social anxiety overtakes ones life. It time for them to learn breathing techniques. Breathing right helps to calm the mind, improves the blood circulation and helps to fight panic attacks better.
  • Learn to relax: It’s important that you know what relaxes you. Bearing this in mind indulge in your hobby, read a book, do some gardening, talk to friends and family or do some meditation ??before going for an interview or social functions.
  • Listen to music: A lot patients claim that soothing music helps them to relax and think rationally. So listen to some good music and push off the anxiety.
  • Learn to manage your stress: You can’t run away from stress, so just learn to manage it better.
  • Sleep well: The more you sleep, the better will your neurotransmitters perform and thus help you fight anxiety attacks better.
  • Gets the bull by the horn: Stop avoiding the situations that trigger this disorder. The more you go for social functions, meet more new people, the better will be your response to this disorder as your confidence grows and social skills improve.

Hair Loss Symptoms

Alopecia or baldness is when there is hair loss on the head and other parts of the body which often results in baldness. Losing between 75 ‘ 150 strands of hair daily is normal but anything beyond this number is bad for hair loss. Hair loss is mainly caused due to two major reasons: Heredity and Illnesses.   Heredity: Most of the time, hair loss is caused by genetic factors. In other words, it is part of a person’s heredity. This is usually called the male pattern baldness or heredity balding. This is one of the most common causes of thinning hair or hair loss.   Illnesses and other physical conditions: Illnesses like high fever, thyroid conditions, childbirth, malnutrition, iron deficiency, cancer treatments and the side effects of many medications can cause hair fall or hair loss. There are two ways of losing hair, it is either patchy hair loss or generalized hair loss. In patchy hair loss patches of skin become exposed due to baldness while there is a good amount of hair in the other parts of the head. In generalized hair loss, hair falls or baldness appears in a uniform manner, all over the head. The medical term for hair loss and baldness is called alopecia and there are different kinds of classifications in alopecia.   Alopecia Areata: This condition is when bald patches appear on the head well defined and clear. This is self healing and hair grows back within twelve months without any treatment.   Alopecia Totalis: This condition is unusual where all the hair on the head is lost. The cause for this baldness is unknown and uncommon and the hair usually never grows back making this baldness permanent.   Alopecia Universalis: This condition is a complete loss of hair from all parts of the body.   Androgenic Alopecia: This is the genetic factor and affects both men and women alike. Genetic baldness can begin as early as in a person’s adolescent, twenties, thirties and even later.Baldness or hair loss can be cured or prevented if the exact symptoms of the hair loss are known.  

Hair loss symptoms in men

When a man starts losing hair, he starts with a receding hairline. The scalp begins to show and hair begins to thin out. Over time some men may either have a bald patch on the top behind the head and sometimes it is not unusual for men to lose hair completely and go fully bald.

Hair loss symptoms in women

Women lose the maximum hair on the crown. It is not usual for women to go absolutely bald but baldness may appear in patches. Complete baldness in women can only result from cancer treatments such as chemotherapy. Otherwise women lose hair in patches or hair thins down dramatically.

Hair loss symptoms in both men and women

Hair thinning overall on the head is a common symptom for both men and women. Both may also lose hair all over the body like the armpits, legs and even the eyebrows. Hair shedding or hair fall is noticed in both especially on clothing, bed linen and brushes. Hair breakage is also a common trait in both, men and women. Using hair styling irons may cause breakage more in women than in men. Hair loss is a gradual process, it does not happen all together. It is easy to notice and you can tell when you have started to lose hair since it is visible and the hair loss is evident. A change in hormones, such as pregnancy or a surgery that could cause stress will encourage hair loss. It is seen that diet plays a very important role in hair loss or re-growth of hair. Protein malnutrition is an important cause for hair to thin or fall. It is notice that an adequate intake of protein and iron supplements may stop you from losing hair. Appropriate treatments for baldness depend on the type of alopecia one is suffering from.   There are home remedies as well as medications available for hair loss in men and women but above all one must ensure he or she is having a nutritious balanced meal along with daily exercises for at least thirty minutes a day. If hair fall or hair loss is still not controlled, see a doctor to assess what is causing the problem and take treatment accordingly. Hair loss can be dampening for our appearance and self confidence. A head full of hair is always more appealing and gives us more confidence about ourselves. With medical options as advanced as today, one does not need to worry much about the re-growth but one must try to seek treatment at the earliest.

Myths and Facts Of Dieting for Weight Loss

Dieting is must for the weight loss, but how it should be done is very important. There are many misconceptions about the dieting for weight loss that along with the weight loss deteriorates the health of the individual very badly. IN some cases of dieting serious problems are noted to arise due to the improper or wrong knowledge about the dieting. So, here is the information about the myths and facts about dieting for weight loss:  
1. Myth: Culminate the intake of fats and carbohydrates completely
Fact: It is absolutely wrong to cut down the intake of the fats and carbohydrates. Remember that fats and carbohydrates are the essential nutrients for the body through which it produces the necessary amount of the energy required for various body processes. Yes, certainly you need to reduce the intake of the fats and carbohydrates, but stopping their intake completely would lead to the health problems.  
2. Myth: Skipping breakfast helps to lose weight
Fact: This is another prominent dieting myth that is observed commonly among the people who want to lose weight. The breakfast is essential as your urge of hunger is maximal at this time. If you quit breakfast then your digestive system would function improperly and would have the excessive acidic juices in stomach that would give rise to acidity. Never to skip the breakfast, either way you can reduce the amount you eat but to quit it is not recommended.  
3. Myth: Fruit juice is better than eating entire Fruit in a dieting process
Fact: Yes, fruit juice is good in dieting process, but not better than whole fruit. If you eat the whole fruit then you would get the better and faster weight loss results than that of the fruit juice. Even your overall health status would be improved as fruits contain the necessary amount of the nutrients that are present in juice too but in lesser amounts. Even the weight loss process is better augmented by eating raw fruits than drinking the juice of the fruit.  
4. Myth: Fasting makes you lose weight
Fact: Fasting is not good for the health. Stopping the intake of the food completely will have a lot of adverse impact on the health of the individual. Rather than a dieting tip this looks out to be a punishment for the person. The fasting may sometimes results into severe health problems instead of losing weight. It is completely restricted to do the fasting to lose weight. Please don’t do fasting even any dietician suggests it, but this would make it clear that this particular dietitian is not perfect for you.  
5. Myth: Stop the meat intake completely
Fact: Stopping the meat intake completely is not recommended as it rich source of the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. Yes, you must not eat it regularly. It is recommended to eat it not more than once in a week. This way you would stay away from the adverse effect of eating meat. Also make it sure to eat it in a limited quantity so that your digestive system is not stressed out to digest it. So it is not necessary to give up the eating habit of meat completely as a pert of dieting.   The advice of the dietician and your family physician should be taken before you opt for any of the dieting procedure. The dietician may guide you best in making the perfect dieting plan. So, stick up the dieting plan and don’t follow any of myths about the dieting as they would help you to attain the weight loss.

Smokers are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s

There is an endless list of the hazards of smoking, with a new one being added every now and then. One of the latest discoveries regarding these hazards has added to the woes of chronic smokers. As per studies, smokers are more likely to develop Alzheimer’s diseases and suffer from memory dysfunction as they age than people who keep away from cigarettes. As per this research, smokers between the ages of 30 ‘ 45 have double the risk pf developing brain disorders in their older days than non-smokers. Some of the other facts that were brought to light during this study are  

  • People who are chronic smokers (40 cigarettes a day) have 157 % chances of suffering from Alzheimer’s in the older days.
  • These people are 172 % more susceptible to vascular dementia which is also a form of Alzheimer’s.
  • The researchers evaluated the medical records of around 20,000 people for the past 23 years and came to the above conclusion. This occurred as a result of tissue inflammation as a result of smoking. Researchers believe that these inflammations can lead to Alzheimer’s disease. This highlights the fact that besides affecting the lungs, skin and eyes, smoking also makes the brain susceptible to various disorders.

More on Alzheimer’s disease
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common reasons for deterioration of intellectual faculties also known as dementia. This form of brain affection can interfere with the social and occupational functioning. This disease also takes a toll on the health economy of the country. In the United States, the cost of caring for patients with this disease reached $144 billion per year in 2009.  
Risk factors
The exact cause of this disease is unknown but there are certain risk factors which need to be taken into consideration.  

  • Smoking
  • Drug abuse
  • insulin resistance
  • obesity
  • vascular factors
  • dyslipidemia
  • hypertension
  • lipoprotein E epsilon 4 genotype
  • Genetic- this is a rare cause where only 7 % of Alzheimer’s patients have genetic history.

Symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease

  • Inability to think straight: Patients who are suffering from Alzheimer’s disease are not able to solve even small problems. A simple case would be the inability to remember personal phone numbers, or the inability to fill checkbooks.
  • Disorientation: These people are not able to connect with realities where they are not able to find their way back from a certain place, forget their residential address, or may forget how they reached a certain place. They are also not conscious of the day, date and time. One of the best examples is people forgetting the way back to their house from the grocery store.
  • Dull: These people may suddenly appear dull and lost where they appear detached to everything that is happening around them. They tend to spend more time watching television and sleeping than doing other activities that they used to do.
  • Speech: One of the earliest signs of Alzheimer’s disease is that people forget the words that they were going to use while talking. They stop mid sentence trying to find the correct word.

Few facts of Diabetes Mellitus-Type 1

Diabetes mellitus is a disorder with biochemical and anatomical consequences. This disease occurs as a result of deficiency of insulin. There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. In the type 1 diabetes, there is no production of insulin due to destruction of beta cells of the pancreas by the immune system of the body. This disease is more prevalent in juveniles but also occur later in life, when people are in their late 30s and early 40s. Diabetes mellitus is a common disorder and is known as the silent killer as it can prove to be fatal, if not controlled.  Salient features of diabetes mellitus

  • It is a catabolic (metabolic break down of complex compounds into simpler ones) disorder. Some of the marked chemical characters of this of disease are
  • Absence or low level of insulin
  • Increase level of plasma glucagons
  • No response of pancreatic beta cells towards insulin.
  • Patients are dependent on external doses of insulin to control the glucose level in the body (hyperglucagonemia), to ensure there is metabolism of lipids and proteins and to prevent ketosis.
  • It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells of the body attack the beta cells of the pancreas and destroy them leading to deficiency of insulin in the body.

Facts about diabetes

  • In the United States alone 5 -15 % of cases of this disease are of the type 1. As stated above, it is more common in children than adults. Every year there are 15 cases per 100,000 children (those below 18 years). There are more than 1 million people suffering from diabetes in United States alone with more than 10,000 new cases every year.
  • The highest numbers of diabetes type 1 cases are found in Scandinavia where almost 20 % of the total diabetic cases are type 1 diabetes mellitus.
  • Japan and China have the lowest rates with less that 1 % of diabetes patients suffering from diabetes mellitus type 1.
  • US health expenditures every year has to shell out more than $100 billion only for diabetes.
  • Diabetes is a multisystem disease due to which the patient can develop a number of complications such as ischemic heart disease, renal disorders, visual defects, blindness, gangrene and autonomic and peripheral neuropathy.
  • This form of diabetes is more commonly observed in non-Hispanic whites. Comparing to all other races, Asians are less affected by this disease.
  • Sex: The occurrence of this disease is more in men than women.
  • Age: Diabetes mellitus type 1 is also known as Juvenile diabetes as it affects more children than adults. Among children, it is more common in early adolescence, between the ages 11 ‘ 13 years. However it can also occur in adults, between the age of 30 and 40.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 1 has a genetic onset where a person with a history of this disease in the family is more likely to suffer from it than people who don’t have a genetic link.

Pain Management Practices

Pain management techniques are practices that most people are looking for in order to get rid of their physical sufferings. In the fast moving era when people are coping with the pace of the time, they are getting prone to various physical disorders. An extensive number of people are suffering from arthritis and other physical inflammation. This makes it daunting form such individuals to focus on other aspects of life. It does not only hinder the physical condition of the victim but also considerably influences the psychological state of the patients. Hence, most people felt the need of techniques and practices to manage pain.? In the same course most victims try various measures to overcome the malfunction, out of which many are ineffective in curing the disorder. However, it should be understood that opting for a particular or set of pain management techniques should be based on the type of pain. So it is essential to understand the root of the cause and then select a management technique.  Medications or Pain relaxants:
Medications such as specific pain relaxants are effective in curing pain temporarily. Your pain may also never return if it is not a chronic inflammation. These medicines are generally prescribed by certified health care practitioner and are available with all pharmacies. These medicines are also known as ‘pain killers’ which denotes their objective of truncating pain from the body. Most relaxants work on spinal cord which is linked with skeletal bones. The active components of these drugs block the nervous signals which are transmitted to the muscles and are responsible for causing pain. Muscle relaxants are suitable for temporary but immediate cure from the pain.? It is also essential to understand that these medicines may have some side effects; hence, it is advised to take these medicines on doctor’s advice.  
One of the widely believed facts is that along with medication, appropriate and effective exercises are also essential for obtaining long term relief from pain. It is known that exercises can also aid in truncating pain and maintain functioning of respective body parts. Doctors may usually suggest exercising techniques to people suffering from arthritis. Some people may find it difficult to exercise due to their painful physical conditions; such people should get in touch with their health advisor and get the issue solved.  
Hydrotherapy is commonly known technique which is highly adopted by people suffering from arthritis or any another kind of pain. In this therapy a bag filled with sufficiently warm water should be placed on the body part where inflammation is experienced. It helps by reducing or eradicating stiffness of muscles, spasm and pain. This therapy can also be opted through specialized warm water pools, hot tubs, spas etc.  
Sufficient rest:
There are chances that the pain that you are experiencing is due to lack of rest. If you feel that this may be the case, then allow your body to calm down and get recharged by resting for sufficient hours. You must take appropriate rest along with suitable exercises.  
Evidently, massage is also considered to be very effective for reducing pain. It can eradicate pain, provide relief to muscles from spasms, relax toned or stiff muscles etc. If you are opting for a massage to reduce inflammation in your body, then it is essential to understand that massage should be performed by a certified massager with sufficient knowledge about body parts and pain.   The above mentioned pain management techniques can help you get some relief out of your pain and may be effective in long run, in some cases.

Common Types Of Respiratory Allergies

Allergies are medical conditions which are generally seen throughout the world. One of the most common classes of allergies is Respiratory Allergy which can be further segregated into different types. It can be said that respiratory allergy is a major health issue around the globe. Irrespective of the geographical region, this allergy can affect anyone. A person affected by allergy may denote various symptoms such as sneezing, hay fever, conjunctivitis and many more. Allergy can be outcome of various causes; respiratory allergy occurs due to inhalation of allergen components such as pollen etc. Here are some common types of respiratory allergies:  Pollen Allergy:
Pollen allergies are mostly noticed during spring season. Most people enjoy spring, but some allergic individuals have to stay careful during the season. It is studied that approximately 10% of the population are prone to pollen allergic conditions.   Meteorologic modifications influences the amount of pollen exposure, in return it also influences allergic individuals. Pollen can be said as aerophiles, as they are carried miles away through air; these are light substances which makes them easier to be carried through zephyrs.  
A person affected by pollen allergy may general show symptoms such as:

  • Sneezing
  • Nose clogged
  • Hypersensitive Shiners
  • Eye conjunctivitis
  • Watering eyes
  • Hay fever

To cure pollen allergy there are drugs that can be availed through nearest pharmacy. These drugs can be either instructional medications or else-wise, over the counter. It is best to consult you doctor in case you experience any of the above mentioned symptoms.  
House Dust Mite Allergy
Presence of house dust mite can be a matter of concern for those individuals who are victim of allergic conditions. House dust mites are 0.1 mm to 0.6 mm in size, which makes it hard to determine their presence. Droppings of these mites are lighter and can be easily carried by air. These airborne particles are usually breathed by people present in the room. If any individual who is allergic to any such substance inhales these droppings, he may soon be affected by allergic attacks as these miniscule substances may reach to the immune system and result in reaction. Humid areas with approximate 25?? C temperature are perfect for survival of house dust mites, especially, mattress and pillows serves them as an ideal dwelling location.  
Symptoms of House Dust Mite Allergy:

  • Uneasy breathing
  • Asthmatic or wheezing breath
  • Severe coughing
  • Itchy nose exterior
  • Clogged and/ or runny nose
  • Watering eye
  • Eye conjunctiva
  • Eczema
  • Allergic rhinitis

Mold Allergy or Mould Allergy:
Mold or Moulds are fungus that generates kind of shallow growth on different clammy substance. It is also commonly seen on decomposing matters such as putrefying timber, animals bodies etc. These molds can also be present in the human dwellings in form of moulds over long stored bread and other similar eatables. Molds are generally stimulated under warm and clammy conditions. These miniscule matters are airborne and can multiply themselves when present in suitable humid atmosphere such as bathroom, basements, lumber furniture, ceilings etc. When any individual who is sensitive to such allergen inhales these matters, he may get affected as these molds have the capacity to influence immune system of the individual.  

  • Sinus infection
  • Eczema
  • Stomach upset
  • Headaches
  • Clogged nose
  • Stuffy nose

In case any of such sudden symptoms are noticed, especially in case of allergic individuals, it can be said that the person is suffering from allergic attacks. During such scenarios it is, no doubt, a wise decision to meet a health expert and undergo diagnosis to determine the root. Allergies can be severely hazardous; hence, allergic individuals should try to prevent respective allergens, especially in case of respiratory allergy which is common.