Impact of Smoking on Looks

It is a known fact that smoking is injurious to health and it leads to many life threatening diseases. What is less known is the fact that smoking cigarettes does not only affect a person internally but it also has a negative impact on the overall appearance.   The most significant effect of smoking that can clearly be seen in a smoker is the discolorization of teeth. Yellowish teeth are the prominent symptom in heavy smokers. Along with the teeth, stained finger nails, bad breath are some other effects of heavy smoking on individuals.   Now, let’s compare the looks of a non-smoker and a smoker. A non-smoker if you see will look his or her age. But, a smoker tends to develop early wrinkles and he/ se is sure to look older than the normal age. Hair loss is the next in line side-effect on a smoker. Chain smokers are said to lose more hair than the normal non-smoker. Smoking cigarettes is seen to turn the smoker’s skin pale because smoking is seen to deprive the skin of oxygen and nutrients thus turning the skin pale, which in a non-smoker leads to uneven coloring. Once a beautiful eye due to smoking leads to development of cataract, thus causing serious vision problem.   It is true that giving up smoking may be difficult but not impossible either. If looks matter a lot then quitting smoking may surely be the most convincing way.