Facebook Could Decrease your Sex Drive

The current generation has a tendency to document their thoughts and make them public. This, though appears to be a harmless act (minus the lack of privacy), has turned into a form of medical illness. It has been noticed that addiction to the facebook doubled in the last 2 years due to the fact that the net was now in the palms of the hands thanks to GPRS connectivity on the phone. Serious addiction has affected the sex drive of men as they spend more hours updating their facebook status than between bed sheets.   But could the condition be this serious? Well! The answer is a yes! As per psychoanalysts, addiction to faceook has been termed as FAD or facebook addiction disorder and apparently, 60 % of facebook users could be suffering from it. Analyses of the situation have shown that men feel the same kind of excitement while surfing through facebook as they feel while they are gambling. Between the two sexes, men are more affected due to the fact that:  

  • They are emotionally drained out due to the attention that they already garner through facebook. Suddenly updating profile pics and reading comments takes a priority over making love.
  • The time that was initially spent talking to their partners and interacting on one to one basis is now replaced by stalking other people’s profiles and getting to know, who is up to what.
  • Men are too distracted to pay heed to the demands of their body so even when the testosterone level kicks in and they do have an urge, facbook keeps them too preoccupied to pay any attention to get some action between them.
  • Being glued to the facebook can make the other partner feel left out. Due to this couples may fight and at the end of it all, there may be a rift between them.